A fresh rose bouquet a great side kick! White, pink and red roses will brighten anyone's day, but this bouquets generous greenery, and pink Freesia really add something special.
This image shows an example bouquet. There is no specified number of flowers. The florist will bind the bunch according to season and region.
A fresh rose bouquet a great side kick! White, pink and red roses will brighten anyone's day, but this bouquets generous greenery, and pink Freesia really add something special.
This image shows an example bouquet. There is no specified number of flowers. The florist will bind the bunch according to season and region.
A fresh rose bouquet a great side kick! White, pink and red roses will brighten anyone's day, but this bouquets generous greenery, and pink Freesia really add something special.
This image shows an example bouquet. There is no specified number of flowers. The florist will bind the bunch according to season and region.